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We believe that you can transform learning by transforming learning environments. Here's Artcobell's story.
Artcobell NXT MOV reinvents movement seating for schools. Introducing a revolutionary new option in seating for K-12 students. See the chair and learn from the researchers and designers who created it. Flexible seating offers micromovements that help students stay engaged and productive.
Take a look at how the new NXT MOV Shape Desks (Rover, Trek, Intrepid) work as part of the NXT MOV classroom. See configurations with our most popular table shapes. Flexible. Mobile. Configurable. Solutions for active classrooms.
Take a look at how the new NXT MOV Shape Desks (Rover, Trek, Intrepid) work as part of the NXT MOV classroom. See configurations with our most popular table shapes. Flexible. Mobile. Configurable. Solutions for active classrooms.
Mobile active flexible NXT MOV mobile flipping nesting heights
A First Look at Artcobell's NXT MOV®. Take a look at everything Artcobell's revolutionary NXT MOV chair brings to student seating: 360-degree movement and comfort for the classroom.
Students (grades 6-8) tell us what they like about sitting in the NXT MOV chair.
The engineers at Artcobell put NXT MOV seating through its paces in the testing lab.
Students share what it's like to sit in class and why the NXT MOV chair meets their needs for comfort and engagement.
Studies show that movement in the classroom allows students to engage and be more productive. Take a quick look at Artcobell's innovative movement seating options for K-12 learning spaces.
Here's a quick look at Artcobell's student chairs - Alphabet, Discover, and NXT MOV - a revolution in movement. Built for comfort, flexibility, durability.
Artcobell offers teachers the chance to be wherever the work is, with mobile and adjustable solutions or traditional work spaces. Including our newest sit-to-stand podiums that can move about the room.
Maker spaces can be whatever you imagine. A place for students to create and tinker ideas into being. Artcobell's maker space solutions range from heavy-duty tables for labs to low-rise, large-surface tables for art.
Artcobell's Soft Seating line is built tough for the demands of schools and comfortable for the demands of learning.
Student desks need to be mobile and configurable - allowing students to work individually or in collaborative groups. Take a look at the sturdy, creative options from Artcobell.
Artcobell Alphabet Seating provides a comfortable, ergonomic student seat in 4-leg, cantilever, caster, and stool styles. The award-winning design of Alphabet provides comfort for students of all ages.
Artcobell's MOV Stool provides safe, secure movement to kids who like to rock and roll.
In this webinar, Patricia Cadigan, Artcobell's Director of Learning Environments, advocates for creating classrooms that embrace research and changing learning styles with respect for the challenges of bringing students back to school.
Artcobell (Discover) Shape Tables provide collaborative learning spaces for all kids.
See how Artcobell's Kite and Beta Shape Desks can be reconfigured to accommodate different learning strategies from individual to collaborative.
Configure Artcobell's Beta shape desks to meet the needs of students in any learning environment.
Configure Artcobell's Kite shape desks to meet the needs of students in any learning environment.
Artcobell convertible benches provide a multi-purpose solution for cafeterias and multipurpose spaces. Use as benches or combine for tables. Fold up and away when you don't need them.
In the Artcobell test lab, we simulate the effects of repeated use in a school setting to ensure the durability of our new soft seating. This is our "bounce" test.
A brief look at Artcobell lean manufacturing processes.