Browse through our image gallery of learning spaces designed to promote comfort, configurability, mobility, and accessibility in a variety of classroom environments.
racetrack table, standing height, cafe, stool, alphabet, race track, dct-rt, dct
learning hallway, soft seating, lounge, breakout, couch, sofa, ottoman, ss-sb
mobile cabinet, curved, soft seating, spot, aspot, juvenile table, barrel, barrel slant, wedge
mobile cabinet, curved, soft seating, spot, aspot, juvenile table, barrel, barrel slant, wedge
trek, expanse, flip top, horseshoe, nxt mov, next move, cantilever
mobile cubby, mobile cubbie, cubby, mobile, floorwork, floor, dtt-rc, rectangle, storage, pad, spot pixel
DTT-4P, 4P, flot, float, pixel, spot, round, coat locker, backpack cubby, back pack, cubby, backpack, floorwork, floor
classroom, 4100 series, cantilever, 4F276E, 4F296E, 4F276S, 4F296S
learning stairs, linear lounge, soft seating, ottoman, learning hallway, hallway, couch
step, two-step, 2-step, project, collaborative breakout spaces, half round, half-round, float, flot, floorwork, floor work
classroom, 4100 series, tleg, t-leg, 4TA6E, 4TA6S
Shape Tables, Discover, Seating, Alphabet, expanse, nebula, classroom, project, collaborative, D10, four leg
Marana USD Dove Mountain K-8 CSTEM School
Marana, Arizona
Designer: Corgan
Dealer: Arizona Furnishings
Maker Space Tables, discover, D10, seating, makerspace, STEM, STEAM, CTE, VPA, C-STEM, four leg chair
Marana USD Dove Mountain K-8 CSTEM School
Marana, Arizona
Designer: Corgan
Dealer: Arizona Furnishings
Shape Tables, Discover, Seating, Alphabet, expanse, nebula, classroom, project, collaborative, D10, four leg
Marana USD Dove Mountain K-8 CSTEM School
Marana, Arizona
Designer: Corgan
Dealer: Arizona Furnishings
Maker Space Tables, epoxy, makerspace, STEM, STEAM, CTE, VPA, C-STEM, 0801, 0802, four leg stool, lab stool
Marana USD Dove Mountain K-8 CSTEM School
Marana, Arizona
Designer: Corgan
Dealer: Arizona Furnishings
Maker Space Tables, epoxy, makerspace, STEM, STEAM, CTE, VPA, C-STEM, AS4ST, alphabet, four leg stool, lab stool
Casa Grande Saguaro Elementary
Designer: SPS+Architects, Scottsdale, AZ
Dealer: Arizona Furnishings
Photography: CDP Commercial, Gilbert, AZ
Maker Space Tables, epoxy, makerspace, STEM, STEAM, CTE, VPA, C-STEM, AS4ST, alphabet, four leg stool, lab stool
Casa Grande Saguaro Elementary
Designer: SPS+Architects, Scottsdale, AZ
Dealer: Arizona Furnishings
Photography: CDP Commercial, Gilbert, AZ
cafe cafeteria collaborative Alphabet, Sled, Activity Tables, Rectangle, Uniflex, Four Leg Stool
cafe cafeteria collaborative Alphabet, Four Leg, Stool, Cafe, Stool, Activity Table, Uniflex, Round, Racetrack, Catalyst, Multipurpose
cafe cafeteria collaborative cafe, alphabet, cantilever
cafe cafeteria collaborative cafe, alphabet, stool
St. Joseph Morrow Schools
Toronto, ONT
Dealer: Schoolhouse Products Canada
lounge seating, sofas, upholstered chairs, cube, square, coffee table collaborative project breakout spaces
lounge seating, sofas, upholstered chairs, cube, square, coffee table, maker space, makerspace, cabinet, mobile storage collaborative project breakout spaces
Shape Table, Wedge, Round, Rocker, soft seating collaborative project breakout spaces
3 step, three step, 3-step, soft seating collaborative project breakout spaces
2 step, two step, 2-step, soft seating collaborative project breakout spaces
lounge seating, sofas, upholstered chairs, cube, square collaborative project breakout spaces
NXT MOV, Next Move, Four Leg Chair, Sofa, lounge seating, upholstered chairs, cafe table, square, mobile storage, bookcase, bookshelf collaborative project breakout spaces
alphabet, four leg, caster, mov, stool, mobile storage, curved bookshelf, curved bench, soft seating, arc collaborative project breakout spaces
lounge chair, sofa, arise, NXT MOV, task chair, Next Move project collaborative breakout spaces
crescent, horseshoe, shape table, 2-step, two step, 2 step, arc Georgetown learning hallways collaborative project
Williams and Wolf Ranch Elementary Schools
Georgetown, TX
Designer: Huckabee
Dealer: Indeco Sales
alphabet, four leg, stool, cafe, square Georgetown learning hallways collaborative project
Williams and Wolf Ranch Elementary Schools
Georgetown, TX
Designer: Huckabee
Dealer: Indeco Sales
expanse, shape desk, discover, four leg, stool Georgetown learning hallways collaborative project
Williams and Wolf Ranch Elementary Schools
Georgetown, TX
Designer: Huckabee
Dealer: Indeco Sales
2-step, two step, 2 step, arc, curved, bookshelf, bookcase, mobile storage Georgetown learning hallways collaborative project
Williams and Wolf Ranch Elementary Schools
Georgetown, TX
Designer: Huckabee
Dealer: Indeco Sales
arc, cafe, square, round, curved bench Georgetown learning hallways collaborative project
Williams and Wolf Ranch Elementary Schools
Georgetown, TX
Designer: Huckabee
Dealer: Indeco Sales
learning hallway, breakout, flex, standing height, cafe, soft seating, lounge, shape table, alphabet, four leg stool, lab stool
Casa Grande Saguaro Elementary
Designer: SPS+Architects, Scottsdale, AZ
Dealer: Arizona Furnishings
Photography: CDP Commercial, Gilbert, AZ
learning hallway, breakout, flex, soft seating, lounge, shape table, nebula, mov stool, move stool, two step, 2-step, 2 step, 2-stp, 3-step, 3-stp, three step, 3 step
Casa Grande Saguaro Elementary
Designer: SPS+Architects, Scottsdale, AZ
Dealer: Arizona Furnishings
Photography: CDP Commercial, Gilbert, AZ
makerspace, maker space, cabinet, mobile storage, table, alphabet, task chair, MOV Stool, flip top, four leg, stool, STEM, STEAM, project
makerspace, maker space, cabinet, mobile storage, table, alphabet, task chair, MOV Stool, flip top, four leg, stool, STEM, STEAM, project
makerspace, maker space, cabinet, mobile storage, table, alphabet, task chair, MOV Stool, flip top, four leg, stool, STEM, STEAM, project
makerspace, maker space, alphabet, four leg, aperture, shape desk, swivel stool, arise, mov, expanse STEM, STEAM, project
arise, podium, alphabet, four leg, caster, seating, discover, stool, rectangle, shape table, cafe, round, rectangle, task chair, teacher, classroom, collaborative
arise, podium, alphabet, four leg, caster, seating, discover, stool, rectangle, shape table, cafe, round, rectangle, task chair, teacher, classroom, collaborative
flip top, mov stool, alphabet, four leg, caster, expanse, aperture, shape desk, stool, arise, classroom, collaborative
flip top, mov stool, alphabet, four leg, caster, expanse, aperture, shape desk, stool, arise, classroom, individual
kite, shape desk, alphabet seating, arise, podium, caster, four leg, classroom, individual
NXT MOV, Next Move, Four Leg, Cantilever, 2-tone, two tone, expanse, rover, shape table, shape desk, classroom, project
makerspace, maker space, alphabet, four leg, aperture, shape desk, swivel stool, arise, mov, expanse, classroom, project
MOV stool, nebula, expanse, shape table, make space cabinet, mobile storage, gravity, alphabet seating, flip top, markerboard, flot, float classroom, project
MOV stool, nebula, expanse, shape table, make space cabinet, mobile storage, gravity, alphabet seating, flip top, markerboard, flot, float classroom, project
flip top, expanse, t-leg, alphabet, four leg, caster, kite, shape desk, task chair, MOV, stool classroom, collaborative
expanse, nebula, shape table, rocker, cantilever, alphabet, discover, MOV, stool, caster classroom, project
kite, shape desk, alphaet, caster, four leg classroom, project
classroom, project, kite, shape desk, alphabet, caster, four leg
classroom, project, kite, discover, cantilever, shape desk
classroom, collaborative, sit to stand, teacher desk, 3-P120, gravity, alphabet, round, rocker, spot, pixel, crescent, flip top, markerboard, arc, flot
classroom, individual, teacher desk, sit to stand, stand, alphabet, rocker, task chair, teacher, round
classroom, individual, nxt mov, mobile, next move, stand height, standing height, stand, home plate, half moon, flip, nest, desk
classroom, individual, nxt mov, mobile, next move, stand height, standing height, stand, home plate, half moon, flip, nest, desk
classroom, intrepid, trek, nxt mov, next move, shape desk, student desk
classroom, intrepid, expanse, nxt mov, next move, shape desk, student desk, shape table
classroom, rover, nxt mov, next move, shape desk, student desk
classroom, rover, nebula, nxt mov, next move, shape desk, student desk, shape table
classroom, spot, pixel, float, flot, nxt mov, shape table, student desk, shape table, 4P, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, first grade, second grade, kinder, floor work, floorwork, cubbies, standing height
nebula, shape table, expanse, alphabet, cantilever, curved bookshelf, mobile storage, media center, collaborative
Williams and Wolf Ranch Elementary Schools
Georgetown, TX
Designer: Huckabee
Dealer: Indeco Sales
alphabet, flot, float, floor seating, media center, collaborative
Williams and Wolf Ranch Elementary Schools
Georgetown, TX
Designer: Huckabee
Dealer: Indeco Sales
curved bookshelves, curved bookshelf, mobile storage, nebula, expanse, shape table, alphabet, cantilever, media center, collaborative
Williams and Wolf Ranch Elementary Schools
Georgetown, TX
Designer: Huckabee
Dealer: Indeco Sales
curved bookshelves, curved bookshelf, mobile storage, media center, collaborative
Williams and Wolf Ranch Elementary Schools
Georgetown, TX
Designer: Huckabee
Dealer: Indeco Sales
curved bookshelves, curved bookshelf, mobile storage, media center, collaborative
St. Joseph Morrow Schools
Toronto, ONT
Dealer: Schoolhouse Products Canada
Maker Space Tables, makerspace, STEM, STEAM, CTE, VPA, C-STEM, AS4ST, alphabet, four leg stool, lab stool
Casa Grande Saguaro Elementary
Designer: SPS+Architects, Scottsdale, AZ
Dealer: Arizona Furnishings
Photography: CDP Commercial, Gilbert, AZ
cafe, cafeteria, collaborative cafe, t-leg, tleg, standing height, genius bar, stool, four leg, nxt mov, next move
Cafe cafeteria t-leg adjustable t-leg bistro table lounge soft seating stool
cafe cafeteria t-leg lounge stool soft seating bistro
learning hallway, breakout, flex, alphabet, cantilever, four leg stool, AS4ST, ASCL, shape table, cafe
Casa Grande Saguaro Elementary
Designer: SPS+Architects, Scottsdale, AZ
Dealer: Arizona Furnishings
Photography: CDP Commercial, Gilbert, AZ
learning stairs, round, two rivers, case study, Studio27 Architects, studiohdp photographer
Arlington, VA Schools
Designer: Studio 27 Architects
Photographer: StudioHDP
Dealer: Interiors by Guernsey
learning stairs, round, two rivers, case study
learning halway, arcs, two rivers, case study
classroom, MOV, shape tables, rectangle, trapezoid, alphabet, cantilever, casa grande, case study
Casa Grande Saguaro Elementary
Designer: SPS+Architects, Scottsdale, AZ
Dealer: Arizona Furnishings
Photography: CDP Commercial, Gilbert, AZ
classroom, shape table, nebula, discover chair, caster, beta, mobile shelving
breakout space, small group, shape table, cafe, arc soft seating
media center, library, mobile shelving, rounds, expanse
classroom, beta, expanse, discover, mobile
classroom, shape table, rectangle, nova, expanse, discover, stools, mobile
learning hallway, arcs, curved bench, soft seating
learning hallway, arcs, curved bench, soft seating
learning hallway, round, bench, soft seating
maker space, table, alphabet, 4-leg, AS4L, DTMT, DTMF
Rocky Run Middle School
Dealer: Interiors by Guernsey
Photography: Keith Talley Photography
maker space, table, alphabet, 4-leg, AS4L, stools, AS4ST, DTMT, DTMF
Georgetown Elementary School
Dealer: Indeco Sales
Photography: Keith Talley Photography
maker space, table, alphabet, stools, ASST, DTMT, DTMF
Lanier High School
Designer: LPA Design Studios
Dealer: Indeco Sales
Photography: Matthew Niemann Photography
maker space, table, alphabet, stools, ASST, DTMT, DTMF
Round Rock High School
Dealer: Indeco Sales
Photography: Keith Talley Photography
mobile shelving, media center, ADFVSC
mobile shelving, media center, ADFVSC
media center, DTT, Nebula, table, Alphabet, AS4L, mobile shelves, ADFVSC, CY, CYo5
media center, mobile shelves, ASFVSC, linear lounge, LS, soft seating, rounds, SS-RR
media center, linear lounge, LS, soft seating, rounds, SS-RR
media center, maker space cabinets, trays, cubbies, maker space table, NXT MOV, 4-leg stool, MS4ST, DTMT, DTMF, MSC-242
media center, soft seating, SS-R418, DCBR, cafe table, DCT-SQ, round, DTN, expanse, ADFMC, mobile library shelves, Alphabet, ASCL, cantilever
media center, ADFMC, mobile library shelves
media center, soft seating, lounge, SS-SB24, ADFMC, mobile library shelves
media center, mobile shelves, ASFVSC, DCT-RD, cafe table, round
media center, shape table, puddle, DTT-PD, discover, task chair, DP9A
media center, DCT-SQ, cafe table, square, Alphabet, AS4ST, 4-leg stool
media center, mobile shelves, ASFVSC, DCT-RD, cafe table, round, soft seating, curved bench, SS-BC, crescent, SS-CR