Will My School Furniture Stand Up to the Test of Kids?

Written by Artcobell

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We all know the reality of school settings—furniture rarely gets treated with respect. You’ve seen it: images of kids jumping, throwing, and otherwise abusing their chairs and desks! 

As you furnish or re-furnish your school, don't you want to be sure that the classroom furniture you purchase is kid-tested and built to survive the wear and tear of the school environment? 

Before you purchase classroom furniture, check out this list of helpful questions, which will help you decide which furniture is right for your school: 

Will my furniture stand up to the test of kids?

Does the furniture meet INDUSTRY standards?

While the most popular industry standards were developed primarily for office furniture, they are frequently used to test school furniture as well. As a trusted classroom furniture expert in America, our process is relied on by administrators, teachers, and kids alike! All of our products go beyond industry minimums. In fact, we’ve created a few of our own tests to ensure the furniture we provide you with is durable and safe for kids. Our children and grandchildren use our furniture, so like you, we want it to be great! You can download our testing under "Certifications" on the Literature page.

Is the furniture made from proven materials that can take a beating?

The raw materials that go into furniture, as well as the processes used for putting it together, can have a big impact on the durability of the final product.

For example:

  • High-wear surfaces, like high-pressure laminate and solid plastic, have been used for decades in schools. 
  • Low-pressure laminate (or melamine) works best for vertical surfaces (cabinets, shelving) versus horizontal ones (desks, tables). 
  • Chemical-resistant surfaces might be warranted—and worth the upcharge—for science classrooms. 
  • Marker-board surfaces provide great functionality but they can show scratches and ghosting over time. 
  • Tough vinyl and durable foam for soft seating is tested for some of the toughest uses.

What if my furniture gets damaged?

There are always going to be times when something needs to be fixed. Be sure to speak with your furniture dealer about the service after the sale. Ask questions like, “Can I get replacement parts?” and “What is the warranty process?” Having a local dealer can also streamline the process and get you back to school faster.

Want to know more about how Artcobell can help you furnish your school? Read through other FAQs here!

Take the Next Step: Find a Furniture Dealer Today!

Want to learn more about classroom furniture trends and new directions in teaching and learning. Visit our Classroom Furniture page.

Mar 1, 2023

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