NextGen Spaces - professional learning

Connecting the Dots in the Classroom with Flexible Furniture.

Written by Artcobell

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In 2019, Patricia Cadigan, Artcobell's Vice President of Learning Environments, had the opportunity to work with Davis School District in Utah to provide professional learning for teachers as they implemented flexible classroom furniture in a newly built school.

In this video blog, Patricia talks to Belinda Kuck, Davis SD Director of Teaching and Learning, about how flexible furniture is helping them connect the dots between their teaching strategy and student success and what schools need to think about when considering new furniture to support their vision. Listen as Belinda shares her experiences and what she heard from teachers about transitioning to a modern classroom of flexible tables, desks, and chairs.

This is part of Artcobell's "Flexible Furniture" series.


Flexible Classroom Furniture Reimagines Learning



Learn More – Explore how flexible classroom furniture re-invents learning. 


The Benefits of Flexible Seating, Desks, and Tables

On their journey to transform learning, Belinda shared these key take-aways:

  • Flexible furniture is helping their teachers enhance the personalized learning experience
  • Giving choice (in seating) has improved student engagement

She also shared these critical steps for schools who are considering a move to modern learning environments:

  • Visit schools where flexible furniture has been implemented – be in the space with the teachers and leaders – and make these visits a part of your continuous improvement plan
  • Involve the teachers in the selection of furniture – create a team to provide and share insights, and use this team to create advocacy
  • Program professional learning on the furniture from the outset – don’t assume that everyone knows how to use flexible furniture in their classrooms
  • Schedule post-occupancy walk-throughs – get feedback on what’s working and what’s not working; find out where additional coaching is needed

We look forward to hearing more from Belinda and her team as they continue their transformation process!



May 31, 2022

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