

Get inspired by all the ways we’re transforming learning spaces to transform learning for students today and into the future.

    Alicia Springer, M.Ed.

    Senior Graphic Designer at artcobell

    Color Psychology for Education: How Does Orange Enhance the Learning Environment?

    Did you know that colors impact thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in o...

    Color Psychology for Education: How Does Purple Enhance the Learning Environment?

    Purple is beautiful mixture of red and blue: it's both warm and cool a...

    Color Psychology for Education: How Does Yellow Enhance the Learning Environment?

    What do you imagine when you think of the color yellow? Perhaps a bowl...

    Color Psychology for Education: How Does Blue Enhance the Learning Environment?

    We speak of "having the blues" when we are depressed, of "a true blue ...

    Color Psychology for Education: How Does Red Enhance the Learning Environment?

    Scientists in the field of color psychology have spent years studying ...

    Design Matters: Creating a Welcoming Classroom Environment

    This blog is part of our Design Matters series:

    Design Matters: Strategically Plan the Flow of your Classroom

    This blog is part of our Design Matters series: How to Design Classroo...

    5 Tips for Decluttering Your Classroom & Boosting Student Mood

    A new school year is upon us. As students make their way back into the...

    Tips for Creating an Effective Classroom Layout

    Yesterday’s classroom had one direction: straight ahead. Sit up straig...

    Find the Right Teacher Desk For Your Unique Needs

    When re-thinking your teacher desk solution, there are so many things ...

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